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Condition: Unused (scratches)
Length: 45mm
Weight: 1/4oz
Type: Floating

SR-X GRIFFON covers a range even lower than that of so-called ordinary shallow cranks. In other words, SR-X GRIFFON has been developed as a new generation shallow crank for multi-shallow range, which enables anglers to fish at depths from 0m to 1.3m in a wide range. The SR-X GRIFFON has an ultra C-class acrobatic action with amazing evasion ability when it comes into contact with structure, obstacles and the bottom, and it turns on shallow bass with a pinball-like painful movement. The SR-X GRIFFON has a much larger hitting surface than conventional crankbaits. Despite its small size, the SR-X GRIFFON moves a lot of water in the water and its "compact size" + "super impact" results are unrivaled.