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Condition: New
Length: 236mm
Weight: 4.5oz
Type: Floating

Lunker bass capture weapon !

The secret behind GARUDA's overwhelming power to attract fish and generate bites is concentrated in the quality of its sound. Although GARUDA is designed as a floating lure, it can be adjusted to the tracing range by attaching any sinker to the weight hanger on the back of the lip when used at a lower range. When bottom-contact fishing is required, the back of the lure can be tuned to avoid getting caught on roots and to increase the hook-up rate. The back part where the hook shank is located is equipped with a mag-hold system that uses a neodymium magnetic field to hold the hook in place. The GARUDA's overwhelming destructive power is applicable to all big bait games that monster hunters can think of, such as dead-sticking on the surface, mid-range retrieve, and bottom contact. Use GARUDA in the right situation. It will bring you results beyond your imagination.

Silent tuning elastomer included

For sound-sensitive monsters, a silent tuning elastomer is included to reduce contact noise at joints.

Equipped with a weight hanger

A sinker can be attached to the weight hanger and adjusted to the target range.