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Condition: New
Length: 43mm
Weight: 1/4oz
Type: Floating

3rd generation Griffon !

"Compact" x "rare impact" derived from the functional and comfortable shape demanded by the experience and sensibility of Yuki Ito, the developer of the first Griffon.
As a result, a small, round and well inviting character emerged. That is "Griffon," the third generation of the little devil.
The "pinball action" triggered by the improved hydrodynamics and packaging of the internal structure when it contacts an obstacle or the bottom is now even more powerful, and the quick recovery from the escape action has been accurately inherited from the original and further refined with the new structure. The quick recovery from the escape action is something that only the new Griffon can provide. Only the Griffon can surpass the Griffon.
In U.S. tournaments, which are often held on muddy lakes, it has immediately made a breakthrough by demonstrating its outstanding fishing performance to the fullest extent. We invite you to experience Griffon's improved fishing performance.

Evolution of pin-ball action